Saturday, November 5, 2011

Responsibility and/or Priorities

I haven’t written anything for a while and by way of excuse I offer only this: my responsibilities and priorities were changed and jumbled. This topic is something of a big one and I will try to keep it short. Often times as people we wonder what are different responsibilities are and how we can better prioritize them, because we struggle to complete everything that needs doing in just one lifetime. Some struggle with the balance between career and family, as teens, we struggle with the balance of family and friends, some struggle with a balance of virtual things (technology) and the real world. As I have been away it has been because of the fact that I have was called as a missionary trainer, which gives me the responsibility of helping a new missionary find and control the reigns of missionary work. I was told that everything I did would shape this missionary's entire mission. This added weight caused me to evaluate my priorities and I changed a few things around, deciding to put other things ahead of my blog.
I have come to realize that this was a mistake, small, but nonetheless a mistake. So this has made me ponder and think of how we can really know how to find this balance in our lives, I was led my Preach My Gospel (page 107) to the scriptures. In 3 Nephi 13 Jesus teaches the people in America about laying up treasures in heaven and not on earth, then he tells the disciples not to worry about food or clothes or drink, because God will provide. It says he takes care of the lilies so he will take care of you. After reading this I was thinking we should all quit our jobs and just do the lords work… that really wouldn’t work, and that confused me, but as I read on, He sheds a little more light on the subject, he says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”(3 Nephi 13:33) So what he is saying is that if we seek to keep the commandments first he will help us to also do what is necessary to provide for our temporal well being. So the answer to figuring out our priorities is to seek to do what Christ would do. The choice I made was well intentioned and at the time what I thought was right. But my leaders were all stressing that we continue doing what I was weeding out, I was reasoning that the message they were sharing was to those who weren’t facing the same issues as I was/am. I was wrong. If we want to know what is most important we need to seek for revelation from two venues: personal and priesthood. To know more on the revelation topic see "Two Lines of Communication".

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