Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This past Sunday was my birthday,and it made me think of what I have done with the last 20 years of my life.  It makes me wonder what is time and what is it for? The dictionary defines time as: “a limited period during which an action, process, or condition exists or takes place”. This is one point I would like to discuss. As stated in Alma 12:24 this life is “a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God”. This is very important to remember but often times forgotten. It would be really handy if I could have this constantly in my mind reminding me of the purpose of all of the things that life can throw at us. I have made some obvious mistakes at different points in my life, of which I am not proud of. Of course I wouldn’t change them either, because as I relied on the Atonement I have changed for the better and have been forgiven. One can never be perfect but we can get closer as we progress through life.
                It’s also essential to remember the eternal perspective by remembering just how short this life is compared to our existence extending forever.  Our existence here is illustrated by this mental picture: take a string and extend it in both directions until you can’t see either end standing where you are tie one thread on the string. That is this life in the eternal comparison. Let’s not let the decisions of this tiny little moment ruin our hopes and dreams for the rest of forever. Although we sometimes have trials, the adversity and afflictions of this life “shall be but a small moment”, but if we “endure it well” (D&C 121:7-8) the rewards are out of this world, literally. I love this promise given by the lord. As we face life we can hold our heads high and keep our eyes pointed to God as the goal. Those that can keep this perspective tend to move past their trials with out getting hung up and blaming the one that could help them through those points in their lives, God. Let us move forward with faith and remember why we are here, and where we plan to go!

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