Wednesday, February 8, 2012



What is Prayer? Well to me, it is when we humble ourselves before God to seek Him out. We go to Him to thank Him for the many things we have, we seek for blessings for our loved ones, we ask questions that may be troubling us, we seek for help in our daily lives, and we repent of our sins and shortcomings. But one of the most important elements of prayer is not what we say, but the answers we receive through the Spirit. Prayer is a very beautiful thing, we kneel and speak to our Heavenly Father, and He the Creator of all things , the Most high, The Supreme Being, Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, etc. listens to those words, but not only that He Answers. He takes the time to do so for all the many children that He has.  I think prayer is one of the most simple and rewarding things that we have been blessed with. It is also the most successful but neglected. Whenever I have a problem in my life that seems insurmountable, if I will but pray and ask for assistance, I feel peace come to me. I may not know what to do to overcome the hurdle but the peace comes that helps me to take one step at a time, with faith that it will all work out. I hereby make my stand that I will pray more, listen more, and apply those things that I learn while praying, I encourage you to do the same!
To hear an Apostle of the Lord talk about prayer look here: