I would like you to imagine something here. Say someone just found this really amazing recipe for the most amazing food in the world. This person loves it and thinks of it as the greatest thing to come in contact with mankind. But this person keeps it all to themself. And when they die it goes with them. The rest of mankind missed out because of someone lack of sharing, how sad! This is how we should never treat the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is the above all else what will help mankind the most, here and in the hereafter. That is why I share what I do because I have found something so truly amazing that I cannot keep it myself. I am not perfect at it and I am trying to be better. Sometimes I have to kick myself in the butt because I forget just how important it is. I want to thank all of those who share. There are many that are “kept from the truth because they know not where to find it” (D&C 123:12), but you do! Let them know the important truths that you cherish like: Forever Families, We are Children of God, He loves us, Life after Death, The Restoration of The Gospel, Faith, Repentance, The Gift of the Holy Ghost, The Plan of Salvation, and much, much more! “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”(Matt. 5:16)
Reach Out and Share!